Confidentiality Notice

Your attention is drawn to the importance of confidentiality at the Practice.

The work of the Practice consists of personal medical information and is, always, to be treated as confidential and protected from disclosure. It is an express condition of employment that no employee (and no ex-employee following the end of their employment) or contractor, visitor may divulge to a person outside of the Practice any such information or aid the outward transmission of any such information or data nor use it except for the purposes of their employment or visit to the Practice in accordance with their role.

By signing into the Practices Visitor book you are agreeing to abide by the above terms and conditions. You can more view more about our privacy policy displayed at the Practice or on our website.

We have a Data Protection Officer and you should refer to our privacy policy on our website for details on how to contact him/her.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Simone Bone

Practice Manager